YakiHonne Introduces Flash News and Uncensored Notes
Yakihonne is a Nostr web client and mobile app for publishing and exploring long-form content on the Nostr protocol.

- "We are thrilled to announce the launch of Flash News and Uncensored Notes. This is an important step towards the decentralization of media, delegating moderation power to the community."
- "With Uncensored Notes, you can annotate news and add your insights and additional information to assist in verifying the truthfulness of the news."
- "We invite you to download the latest version, join our Beta testing, and share your valuable feedback:
- iOS: https://testflight.apple.com/join/tcXozZIu
- Android: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.yakihonne.yakihonne
- For feedback on product experience: https://forms.gle/oA6jhnGbvnx6K85Q6
- Check out the full blog post to learn more about the workflow of Flash News and Uncensored Notes.