Spiral Renews Grants to Bitcoin Zavior and Matt Morehouse

Spiral, an independent, bitcoin-focused entity within the Block ecosystem of companies, renewed grants to Bitcoin and Lightning developers Bitcoin Zavior and Matt Morehouse.

Spiral Renews Grants to Bitcoin Zavior and Matt Morehouse
  • "Grant renewal. In the doc where @conorokus usually lays out what points I need to hit when writing our grant-related tweets, for @BitcoinZavior, Conor just wrote “third renewal.” So congratulations, @BitcoinZavior, on your third renewal. I wish I knew what it was for," announced Spiral on X.
  • Bitcoin Zavior works on LDK and BDK projects.
  • "Grant renewal. Yesterday’s offsite (picnic) went very wrong (ornery goats) for our writing team, so this is the best tweet you’re going to get. This is Matt Morehouse’s 2nd renewal, one he’ll use to improve Lightning’s security and stability. Disclosures: https://morehouse.github.io," announced Spiral in a separate post.
  • Matt Morehouse works on Lightning network security, including test coverage of CLN, Eclair, LDK, LND, auditing BOLT vulnerabilities, reporting bugs and ensuring fixes.

Announcement 1
Announcement 2