Scaling Lightning v0.4.1: Configurable Namespace
Scaling Lightning is a testing toolkit for the Lightning Network.

What's new
- "New feature, configurable namespace. When running cli commands you can use the flag --namespace / -N (default "sl") to specify the Kubernetes namespace for the scaling lightning network."
- "This allows to run multiple separate SL networks on the same machine. Do not use the flag with the create command. Instead specify the namespace in the helmfile."
"This is a breaking change for the Go dependency. You must define the namespace when using functions DiscoverRunningNetwork and NewSLNetwork. Use the function NewSLNetworkWithoutNamespace when creating a new network from helmfile. When creating an SL object for running network, use NewSLNetwork."
- FIX: Compatibility for new version of Traefik (3.0.0 / chart 28.0.0). See for traefik version update instructions.
- FIX:Connect peer command: fixed command retrying until timeout if already connected
v0.4.1 also introduced the following changes: