RoninDojo v2.1.0: Handling IP Changes
RoninDojo is an Installation Assistant and Administration Tool for Samourai Wallet's Dojo, Whirlpool, Indexer, and more.

- "RoninDojo v2.1.0 is officially out!"
- "Not super flashy but definitely plenty of annoying bugs squashed, version bump of @SamouraiWallet Dojo to latest and some preparation for bigger releases moving forward."
What's new
- Handling IP address Changes. "We had already introduced a detection mechanism for the firewall to have its rules updated upon discovery of this fact, and with a bugfix this is now in working order."
- User access. "We opted to completely remove the autologin feature. We've reached a point of stability in the installation portion of our software where we are confident our support team can deal with any installation issues with the diagnostic tools we already have at hand."
- Fixed a preparation failure for receive blockchain backup procedure [609b3f3d].
- Updated tor package to 0.4.7
- Fixed UI not allowing access after host IP changed
- Fixed bug in network systemd unit file not updating UFW rules after host IP changed
- Fixed RoninUI showing a timeout error during RoninUI upgrades
- Fixed updating tor breaking tor
- Now forces docker's logging onto the storage drive regardless of any defaults
- Removed autologin for physical access, previous only on first time boot, fixed regression of it happening every boot (RoninDojo and RoninOS)
- RoninOS: Added extra check for the first time boot installation not to start until the network is up
- Moved most of the installation code from main to system installation procedure
- Removed the menu option to update mirrors
- Code now always expects the username "ronindojo" (dropped support for alternative usernames)
- Removed generating and showing credentials for the Explorer key (this has been dropped with the dojo update in v2.0.2)
- Feature: Updated Ronin's Dojo fork to v2.1.0
- Based off upstream Dojo v1.21.0
- updated to BTC-RPC Explorer 3.4.0
- updated to Tor v0.4.8.5
- updated to Fulcrum v1.9.1
- added $1 Fee Estimator
- adjusted standard fee estimation (see )
- updated MariaDB Docker image
- updated Nginx Docker image
- Credits: BrotherRabbit, dammkewl, BTCxZelko, kyc3, s2l1, numbers, WittyBull, PavelTheCoder