Lightning Terminal v0.11.0-alpha Released

This release packages LND v0.17.0-beta, Taproot Assets Daemon v0.2.3-alpha, Loop v0.26.3-beta, Pool v0.6.4-beta and Faraday v0.2.11-alpha.

Lightning Terminal v0.11.0-alpha Released
  • "This release of Lightning Terminal (LiT) updates the integrated LND daemon version to the latest v0.17.0-beta release, as well as updates the integrated Loop daemon to the latest patch release."
"In this release of LiT, a new Status server was added, which enables users to disable the different integrated sub-servers and the integrated accounts sub-system in LiT through configuration. LiT will now also successfully start even if any of the sub-servers or sub-systems fails to start."
  • "This release of LiT also enables the ability to link a new Autopilot session with an old session, as well as enabling the ability to specify feature configurations for an Autopilot session."
"One important change to note for users running LiT through docker, is that due to the new status server feature, the startup process of LiT won’t error and end if a sub-server or sub-system fails to start. So any platforms that rely on docker to automatically restart the LiT container if the startup process ends due to the sub-servers or sub-system not having started yet, will now not restart the container as the start process won't exit."
  • "We'll be continuously working to improve the user experience based on feedback from the community."

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