Mutiny Node v0.3.3: Mainnet Touchups
Mutiny Node is a SDK behind Mutiny Wallet.

- The update includes small bug fixes and touchups for improvements on mainnet.
- In related news, Mutiny Wallet team has opened up its waitlist for anyone who is eager to try or test it.
- Sign up for waitlist at:
As we test out mainnet ourselves and get ready for launch, be sure to sign up for our waitlist. We will nostr DM/email once you've been approved for the waitlist.
— Mutiny Wallet (@MutinyWallet) May 15, 2023
You can also "install" this webpage as a PWA and it will load your wallet when approved.
What's Changed
- Add edit and archive contacts by @benthecarman in #503
- Disable inheriting of labels by @benthecarman in #502
- Add ability to estimate on-chain tx fee by @benthecarman in #504
- Peer reconnection improvements by @TonyGiorgio in #494
- Add confirmation info to MutinyChannel by @benthecarman in #505
- Implement Caching for Bitcoin Price API by @TonyGiorgio in #508
- Fix log to be more clear by @benthecarman in #510
- New channel config defaults by @TonyGiorgio in #511
Full Changelog: v0.3.2...v0.3.3