COPA vs Wright: The Trial That Could End Faketoshi's Satoshi Claim
"The trial is of particular significance because it stands to affect a number of other upcoming court cases, perhaps most importantly including a lawsuit filed by Wright against several Bitcoin Core contributors," reported Aaron van Wirdum for Bitcoin Magazine.

- "If COPA is able to prove that Wright is not Satoshi Nakamoto, he is unlikely to stand a chance in these cases. But if the High Court judge rules that Wright is in fact Bitcoin’s creator, it could eventually result in the Australian computer scientist gaining copyright over the Bitcoin white paper and source code, which could severely stifle the Bitcoin development process," he added.
"The list of apparent deceit presented by COPA is long and, in some cases, rather technical: digital forensics that indicate Wright backdated documents and forged files, as well as evidence that he used software Satoshi Nakamoto could not have used."
- "Over the next couple of weeks, claims from both sides will be further examined, as many expert witnesses — starting with Wright himself — will take turns to offer their testimonies before High Court Justice Mellor. With the trial expected to run well into March, a final verdict will follow later."
- For more detailed coverage of the trial, follow: