To Open Source Its LiquidOps Solution focuses on monitoring and management solutions for Lightning nodes. LiquidOps offers configurable alerting on user balances and channel status, empowering users to make informed decisions about their node's liquidity.

- " started as a monitoring tool where the SaaS approach makes a lot of sense. As time progressed we moved from simple reachability monitoring to providing liquidity alerts to our customers. That marked the beginning of our path towards building our automation engine driven by workflows, enabling users to streamline their liquidity management with LiquidOps."
- "However for these tools to work users needed to share their private data with us. Despite having fine controls in our agent over how much and how precise data to share with us, the fact was they still had to share some of it to make the tools usable. And we decided we’re gonna do something about that."
"In the coming months, we will be open-sourcing LiquidOps, enabling people to self-host our tooling and stay in charge of their own data."
- "The decision was simultaneously hard and easy - it will take some of our very limited resources to make the transition from SaaS to open source, but it's a sacrifice we’re more than willing to make in order to enable people more sovereignty and privacy."
- "With LiquidOps open-sourced and our agent-based architecture, companies will be able to deploy lightning node automation even in the most secure environments."
- "We will keep improving our plugin system to enable you to expand and customize your lightning automation."
- "While you are waiting for the open-source version of LiquidOps you are welcome to test existing functionality on our platform, check out Lightning Vault - secure lightning credential storage or build something cool with our go-runes library."