High Fees Force Binance To Rediscover Bitcoin, Explore Lightning Withdrawals

Surging Bitcoin network fees have caused Binance to look into Bitcoin scaling solutions as well as implement fee bumping techniques.

High Fees Force Binance To Rediscover Bitcoin, Explore Lightning Withdrawals
  • The largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume has halted and resumed Bitcoin withdrawals a couple of times during the weekend, citing Bitcoin's "congestion issue."
  • Prior to this, Binance's daily consolidation transactions have not been confirmed for a week, per mononaut.
  • The issues were resolved later as Binance started utilizing its mining pool for processing withdrawals, as well as Child-Pays-For-Parent (CPFP) fee bumping technique.
  • "To prevent a similar recurrence in the future, our fees have been adjusted. We will continue to monitor on-chain activity and adjust accordingly if needed," the company said.
"Our team has also been working on enabling BTC Lightning Network withdrawals, which will help in such situations."
  • "This is a learning opportunity for us and we’ll do our best to prevent this from happening again. Thank you for your patience."

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