Zeus v0.7.0: Lightning Node Connect, BIP21/Unified QRs, New Home Screen, and More
Zeus is a mobile Bitcoin/Lightning node manager and wallet application for LND, Core Lightning, and Eclair. Zeus is built on TypeScript and React-Native. It runs on both iOS and Android.

v0.7.0 Highlights
- Lightning Node Connect
- New default home screen
- BIP21/Unified QRs
- BTCPay LNbank support
- LND: support for channel alias SCIDs
- New clipboard UX
- Better fee UX for LND
- Five new themes
Download links
APK Signature
Signed Manifest
- DefaultPane: New default view by @kaloudis in #1075
- SVG: update Bitcoin SVG in nav tab bar by @kaloudis in #1080
- README: npm i: add workaround to docs by @otech47 in #1092
- Wallet: fix error display for new Default Pane by @kaloudis in #1096
- Add Android dev instruction by @thebrandonlucas in #1097
- Routing: change label from 'You received' to 'Fee received' by @kaloudis in #1098
- DefaultPane: add decimal placeholder by @kaloudis in #1094
- Bump @xmldom/xmldom from 0.7.5 to 0.7.6 by @dependabot in #1104
- Center the text on buttons by @deregs in #1099
- Bump shell-quote and @react-native-community/cli-tools by @dependabot in #1105
- Fix toggle position by @deregs in #1093
- Change fee limit by @otech47 in #1101
- SetFeesForm: only display Timelock Delta field for LND by @kaloudis in #1077
- Add minimum amount filter by @deregs in #1100
- android/build.gradle: lock in Kotlin and RN versions by @kaloudis in #1119
- Workflows: run on pull requests by @kaloudis in #1126
- BIP21/Unified QRs by @kaloudis in #1076
- Add button to activate flashlight during QR code scanning by @aussedatlo in #1118
- views/Send: minor refactoring and typing improvment by @aussedatlo in #1122
- ZEUS-1073: handle commas when setting channel fees by @kaloudis in #1078
- Fee Limit UX Improvements by @otech47 in #1110
- fixed issue with error string mismatch in ErrorUtils by @Talej in #1125
- Bump minimatch from 3.0.4 to 3.1.2 by @dependabot in #1127
- Bump @xmldom/xmldom from 0.7.6 to 0.7.9 by @dependabot in #1128
- SettingsStore: return connecting status for more reliable account switching by @kaloudis in #1130
- WalletHeader: new clipboard by @kaloudis in #1095
- Send: don't display paste button when destination populated by @kaloudis in #1133
- DefaultPane: add ability to quickly generate invoice without memo by @kaloudis in #1134
- Theme color fixes by @kaloudis in #1135
- views/Receive: autoGenerateInvoice: fix amount by @kaloudis in #1136
- Lightning Node Connect by @kaloudis in #1124
- Reproducible builds: tweaks for LNC by @kaloudis in #1142
- build(deps): bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2 by @dependabot in #1138
- components/TextInput: change editable prop to locked by @kaloudis in #1141
- Move from npm to yarn by @kaloudis in #1150
- React Native upgrade from 0.68.2 to 0.70.6 by @kaloudis in #1153
- Payment: display memos from payment requests you've paid by @kaloudis in #1146
- iOS: fix implementation display by @kaloudis in #1154
- New Themes: Blacked Out + Scarlet by @kaloudis in #1147
- LNC: credentialStore patch by @kaloudis in #1148
- LNDHub: account creation fix by @kaloudis in #1155
- Node interface display tweaks by @kaloudis in #1156
- LNC: add Zeus' mailbox to dropdown by @kaloudis in #1151
- Activity: acknowledge filters when handling streaming updates by @kaloudis in #1157
- GitHub templates: update interface names by @kaloudis in #1158
- Update locales and add Hebrew by @kaloudis in #1159
- LND: add ability to create msat invoices by @kaloudis in #1160
- LNC: ensure that disconnect is called when switching nodes by @kaloudis in #1164
- BIP21/Unified QRs: handle instances that do not return on-chain addresses by @kaloudis in #1163
- Locales: update Hebrew by @kaloudis in #1167
- Purple theme by @Talej in #1162
- BTCPay Lnbank support by @kaloudis in #1131
- LNC: race condition fix by @kaloudis in #1165
- Default View: Keypad: pass amount to lnurl-pay payment prompts by @kaloudis in #1166
- changed zeus icon svg to png to prevent render flash by @Talej in #1170
- fixed issue with expiry in C-Lightning-REST being unix timestamp by @Talej in #1169
- LND: add ability to attempt use of alias SCID on channel open by @kaloudis in #1173
- Receive: hide settings/close button on invoice paid by @kaloudis in #1177
- Default Pane: make action buttons uniform height by @kaloudis in #1180
- AddEditNode: Bug fix: properly add connections from general scan by @kaloudis in #1178
- Add Deadpool theme by @InnocuousFinch in #1183
- New themes: Blueberry + Deep Purple by @kaloudis in #1174
- Lurker mode: toggle off with long press on amounts by @kaloudis in #1175
- Re-lock app on inactity by @kaloudis in #1182
- fixed bug with locale being forgotten when switching between nodes by @Talej in #1184
- Component: Conversion by @kaloudis in #1179
- Bug fix: LNC: spaces at end of pairing phrase auto-delete by @kaloudis in #1186
- Channels: fix lurker mode display by @kaloudis in #1187
- Invoice: fix display of r_hash and r_preimage by @kaloudis in #1193
- GitHub actions: add Test by @kaloudis in #1194
- Lurker mode: add timer for reveal toggle by @kaloudis in #1190
- fix for applying custom themes to ChannelsHeader by @InnocuousFinch in #1191
- Balance pane: fix display of Conversion component by @kaloudis in #1189
- KeyValue: add ability to copy values to clipboard by @kaloudis in #1192
- Help: add Zeus docs by @kaloudis in #1195
- iOS UI tweaks by @kaloudis in #1197
- Enable theming on some SVGs by @InnocuousFinch in #1198
- Fix for iPhone 14 Plus / Pro / Pro Max header bug by @Talej in #1200
- Require login after sent to background: add toggle in Security settings by @kaloudis in #1201
- GitHub workflows: update prettier by @kaloudis in #1204
- README: update Spark -> Sparko, while we update compatibility by @kaloudis in #1205
- Unified Address parsing: handle uppercase param names by @kaloudis in #1207
- Version bump: v0.7.0 by @kaloudis in #1208
New Contributors
- @otech47 made their first contribution in #1092
- @thebrandonlucas made their first contribution in #1097
- @Talej made their first contribution in #1125
- @InnocuousFinch made their first contribution in #1183
Full Changelog: v0.6.6...v0.7.0
Github Release Notes