Whirlpool Surge Rounds: If Mining Fee Is Higher Than Needed Additional Remixers May Be Added

Whirlpool surge cycles have been activated - if incoming UTXOs overpay miners fees the coordinator may select additional remixers.

Whirlpool Surge Rounds: If Mining Fee Is Higher Than Needed Additional Remixers May Be Added
  • "Whirlpool surge cycles: in the event that fees are overpaid once the basic configuration is set by the coordinator, extra remixer-output pairs are chosen so as to lower the sat/b rate effectively paid."
  • "Post-mix utxos safely separated from unmixed change. Post-mix utxos and unmixed change cannot be spent together thanks to Tx0. Each cycle extending forward-looking anonymity of post-mix coins whether they remix or not."
  • "No client software was affected by this change. Java & Rust libs required no modifications."

Whirlpool Server v0.23.36

  • add surges
  • add config: server.miner-fees.surge-relay-fee, server.pools[x].surge

Whirlpool Stats v0.4.0

  • The Whirlpool stats tools have also been updated to account for the updated configuration of Whirlpool cycles.

Announcement / Archive
GitLab Repo (Whirlpool Server)
GitLab Repo (Whirlpool stats)