Wasabi Wallet v2.0.7.2: Coinjoin Directly to Another Wallet

Wasabi Wallet is an easy to use, privacy-focused, open-source, non-custodial, Bitcoin wallet.

Wasabi Wallet v2.0.7.2: Coinjoin Directly to Another Wallet
  • "Wasabi release is out! You can now coinjoin directly into another wallet, straight into cold storage. This feature is available from your coinjoin settings after you upgrade. Download, verify and install the latest version on http://wasabiwallet.io," announced the project.
  • "In the program, you can set another wallet in the coinjoin settings to which you want to coinjoin. In this case, the anonymity score target is not considered; once the coinjoin is completed, your coins will be transferred to the wallet you specified," was explained in the release notes.

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