Trezor Suite v23.11.3 Released

Trezor Suite is an official Trezor hardware wallet companion app by Trezor.

Trezor Suite v23.11.3 Released

What's new

  • "We’ve made it even easier for you to access the Buy, Sell, and Exchange features within your accounts, providing a more streamlined user experience."
  • "We’re pleased to announce that French has been added as a new official language, making Trezor Suite more inclusive and accessible to a broader audience."
  • "We’ve eliminated redundant confirmation notifications, reducing unnecessary interruptions and making your user experience more efficient."
  • "On Linux, resolved crashing of the app immediately after start up."
  • "The “Update on quit” button will now exit the application when intended, ensuring a smoother user experience."
  • "We’ve resolved the issue with coin icons on MacOS 14, so they now appear correctly and consistently in the app."

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