Swan Bitcoin to Limit Customers Interacting with Privacy Services Due to Partner Policy
"Our banking and custodial partners have made an update that could affect your account," announced Swan Bitcoin in a letter to customers.

Note: The original headline "Swan Bitcoin to Stop Serving Customers Interacting with Privacy Services" has been edited for a more accurate reflection of the situation.
- "In light of the recent proposed ruling from FinCEN regarding Bitcoin mixing, they will no longer service clients who directly interact with Bitcoin mixing services such as Wasabi, Samourai, and similar services."
"Please be advised that depositing directly from, or withdrawing directly to, a mixing wallet may result in the termination of your account with our banking and custodial partners," the company added.

- Competing services such as Strike and River own their own infrastructure and do not block UTXOs with coinjoin history.
Brady Swenson, co-founder of Swan, responded to our post with the following: