Spiral Renews Grant to the Validating Lightning Signer (VLS) Project

VLS separates your Lightning private keys and security rule validation from your Lightning node, into a discrete signing device. This improves LN security for users by reducing the attack surface.

Spiral Renews Grant to the Validating Lightning Signer (VLS) Project
  • "Grant renewal. This is Validating Lightning Signer’s (@VLSProject) fourth renewal, so there isn’t much worth saying that we haven’t already said," announced Spiral.
"VLS improves LN security by separating private keys from the node and creating discrete validating signing devices. Since launching their beta, they’ve added microcontroller and Docker deployments while developing support for tag team signing, splicing, and dual-funding."
  • "VLS will focus on Versioned Storage Service (VSS) integration and enterprise support features (optimized high-volume transaction handling, signing authority levels, and signed audit reports) before introducing multi-sig Lightning and secure enclave integration," Spiral said.

Announcement / Archive
VLS Roadmap