RoninUI v2.4.1: UX Enhancements
Ronin UI is a user interface for privacy-focused, free and open-source RoninDojo Bitcoin node.

- "This release is focused primarily on enhancing user experience. We've gathered user feedback, mostly regarding our new Whirlpool UI, and implemented proper modifications," was stated in a blog post.
What's new
- Updated labels in Dojo management for better UX
- Removed duplicate pairing from Indexer dialog
- Updated explanation text in Whirlpool dialog
- Added info icon that opens explanation dialog
- Added "Restart CLI" button to Whirlpool login
- Overall Whirlpool UI improvements
- Using RSA encryption when sending sensitive data
- Updated dependencies
- Removed Bisq support
- Minor internal imrovements
- Added delay to avoid error after UI update
- Fixed Explorer URL
- Fixed z-index on update notification bar
- Fixed addrindexrs install button not being disabled when already installed