Primal Android v0.90.1: Integrated Lightning Wallet
Primal is a free and open source nostr client focused on seamless UX and UI. Available on Android, iOS and the web.

- "We just released Primal for Android build 0.90.1, featuring a built-in lightning wallet. Android users can now enjoy the integrated Nostr experience; where zaps, wallet transactions and Nostr content blend seamlessly within the same app. Try it out and let us know your thoughts," announced @miljan.
- "Strike is providing custody, fiat conversions, and lightning network connectivity to Primal users. By integrating with Strike, we are able to provide uninterrupted service to U.S. and international customers," he explained in a blog post back in December.
What's new
- Primal Wallet
- NWC support for external wallets
- New zap settings
- Improved feed performance
- Images uploaded through Amethyst
- Posting a new note with attachments only
- Improved trending hashtag rendering
- Stability improvements