Peach Bitcoin v0.3.2: Connect to Your Own Node
Peach Bitcoin is a KYC-free peer-to-peer Bitcoin marketplace available on Android and iOS.

- "Peach Bitcoin is the kinda exchange where you stack sats using your own KEYS and your own NODE. Download the app on"
- "Use the ref code PEACH for one free buy trade and sats back when selling."
What's new
- "NOW you can connect to ANY Electrum server of your choice!"
- "Peer-to-peer markets are reputation based. If an actor is abusive or malicious, do not ever see his offers ever again and #BLOCK dat bad peach!
- "We hope that you will love our new contract screens. They also contain NEW data: trade fee breakdown, BTC price of the trade completed, note received from the peer."
- "New rules to access payment methods with high risks of charge back like PayPal."
- "Improvement: Reduce wallet sync issues. The wallet scans 200 addresses for each sync. It’s a lot to process & can result in errors. Pro-tip: swiping down on your wallet balance still triggers a sync."
- "Bug fix: A small bug in the address validation caused peach app to invalidate taproot addresses."
- "Join us to co-create Peach #bitcoin in our telegram and discord groups and find tutorials in our YouTube channel!"