Nodeyez v23.06: New Panels & Enhancements
Nodeyez is a project that contains a variety of python scripts to produce panels and images based on your Bitcoin Node, which can also be displayed on external outputs. Scripts can be run on their own, or run continuously in the background as a service on system startup.

What's new
New panels and enhancements
- Blockstats panel now supports sub-panels for input and output script types
- Compass Hardware moved to deprecated-scripts and service file deleted
- Halving panel scaled better and informs number of blocks to go, estimated times
- Inscription Mempool now derives more file extensions and displays up to 24 images
- LNDHub panel now supports pagination and will show up to 6 accounts per page by default
- Renamed rofstatus to lndringoffire
- Renamed luxor-mining-hashrate to luxorpool
- Renamed mempoolblocks to mempoolspace
- Renamed ordinals to inscriptionparser
- Renamed satsperusd to satsperfiatunit
- Renamed ipaddress to ipaddresses to prevent a common package import problem
- Reorganized luxor dependencies
- Merged MinerBraiins and MinerMicroBT panels into new generalized Miner panel
- OP Return panel can be configured to exclude common phrases to improve signal to noise ratio
- Calls to get price info now saved locally and only update once an hour.
- Sats per USD can be rendered as triangle or s symbol in addition to square or circle
- Whirlpool Liquidity panel should indicate number of inputs required (default 5)
General improvements
- New NodeyezPanel class can be used for bootstrapping new panels
- Refactored the following panels to use the new class format
- arthash
- blockhashdungeon
- blockheight
- blockstats
- compassminingstatus
- difficultyepoch
- fearandgreed
- fiatprice
- gasprice
- halving
- inscriptionmempool
- inscriptionparser (fka ordinals)
- ipaddresses (fka ipaddress)
- lndchannelbalance
- lndchannelfees
- lndhub
- lndringoffire (fka rofstatus)
- mempoolspace (fka mempoolblocks, mempool.json config)
- miner (from minerbraiins and minermicrobt)
- miningpool-braiinspool (fka braiinspool, slushpool)
- miningpool-f2pool (fka f2pool)
- miningpool-luxorpool (fka luxor-mining-hashrate w/o service and luxor.json config)
- nodeyezdual
- opreturn
- raretoshi
- satsperfiatunit (fka satsperusd)
- sysinfo
- utcclock
- whirlpoolclimix
- whirlpoolliquidity - Improved support for nested fields in charting via dot notation
- Bitcoin related services no longer fail startup if there is no Bitcoin
- Bitcoin panels can now get data from remote bitcoin servers via REST (JSON-RPC)
- System Info icons have been encapsulated in VicariousIcons class
- Sample config files updated with changed and new property names with references to former names
- Blockhash Dungeon will no longer show duplicate logos in the maze
- Blockstats label for Segwit Prevalence corrected
- Braiinspool fix divide by zero bug
- Fiat Price fix to render with price down color if price has declined since last check
- Ordinals fix logging for active blocklist when request block higher than vetted
- Halving fix off by 1 calculation of new halving period
- Inscription Mempool fix to support multiple inscriptions in one transaction
- LNDHub fix crashing when checking payment by user