NDK v2.6.0: Improved Outbox Model's Relay Selection & Other Improvements

NDK is a nostr development kit that aims to make the experience of building Nostr-related applications, whether they are relays, clients, or anything in between, better, more reliable and overall nicer to work with than existing solutions.

NDK v2.6.0: Improved Outbox Model's Relay Selection & Other Improvements
  • "Announcement: NDK 2.6 is out! Codename: MAKE NOSTR DECENTRALIZED AGAIN," announced PABLOF7z.

What's new

  • Improves outbox model's relay selection (decentralization NgU);
  • Massively reduces bandwidth requirements;
  • Smarter filter logic;
  • Adds support for "relay blacklist" kind
  • Improves URL normalization
  • Improves cache invalidation

Announcement / Archive
GitHub Repo