NDK v0.8.0: Data Vending Machines Support & NDK-React v0.1.1 Released

NDK is a nostr development kit that makes the experience of building Nostr-related applications, whether they are relays, clients, or anything in between, better, more reliable and overall nicer to work with than existing solutions.

NDK v0.8.0: Data Vending Machines Support & NDK-React v0.1.1 Released

What's new in NDK v0.8.0

  • NIP-90: Data Vending Machines support

    - Easily create AI job requests and fulfill them with your DVM implementation;
    - Make loading profile information WAAAY faster when a cache adapter is present;
    - Fixes some minor bugs.

NDK React v0.1.1

"NDK-React is a React library that makes it easy to build Nostr-related applications using React (and NextJS). It provides a set of components that wrap the NDK library and make it easy to use in React."

What's new

  • online docs with live demo;
  • login with nsecbunker, extensions and secret key;
  • get events react hook;
  • sign and publish event react hook;
  • get the user profile asynchronously;
  • cache the data (so we only need to query it once);
  • display the user's display image on the UI in a single line of code?

GitHub Repo
NDK React Site
Announcement (NDK) / Announcement 2