Mutiny Wallet v0.5.7: Payjoin Support, NWC Improvements
Mutiny is an open-source, non-custodial bitcoin and Lightning wallet for the web and Android.

- "We've released Mutiny version v0.5.7 which includes two notable changes."
- "Payjoin v1 support has been added. Huge credit to bitgould over the last few months, for the improvements to the PDK library and getting it included into Mutiny! Thanks to Ben Allen too for testing."
"We're really excited about the privacy gains here and for future improvements such as Payjoin v2. This should allow asynchronous payjoins, making it possible for a mobile user to payjoin with another mobile user."
- "We've also made some underlying changes to how NWC works in Mutiny. We've switched over all new connections to use our new strfry based relay instead of using the Blastr. This should greatly improve performance and speed, in addition to being able to better support consumer apps."
"You may continue using your existing NWC connections, but for better reliability, you can delete existing wallet connections to recreate them on the new relay."
- "In the coming months, we should have a load of new nostr related features as well. Stay tuned!"
What's changed
- Add util function for hodl invoice detection by @benthecarman in #980
- Enable MPP for LSPS invoices by @benthecarman in #979
- Remove async-interface feature by @benthecarman in #977
- Verify LSP invoice amount by @benthecarman in #978
- DM requests for invoices by @benthecarman in #967
- Timestamp NWC filters by @benthecarman in #981
- Change archive contact to delete contact by @benthecarman in #962
- Add event id to dm by @benthecarman in #982
- Various NWC fixes by @benthecarman in #986
- New relay by @TonyGiorgio in #987
- Fix expected lsp amount when amount is 1 by @TonyGiorgio in #991