Minibits v0.1.3-beta: LNURL Pay & Withdraw, Zaps, Onion Mints
Minibits is a mobile e-cash wallet with a focus on performance and usability. Cash is issued by mints and backed by Bitcoin via the Cashu protocol and Lightning Network.

- New Minibits wallet version focused on interoperability and privacy is here.
What's new
Minibits v0.1.3-beta now becomes full member of Lightning ecosystem:
- Reacts to lightning, cashu, lnurlw and lnurlp deeplinks.
- Allows paying to static QR codes, links and lightning addresses, including NOSTR zaps (LNURL Pay).
- Allows withdrawals into the wallet from services supporting LNURL Withdraw.
On top, univarsal .APK of Minibits that you'll find below now has its own Tor daemon, that allows to connect to the mints with .onion addresses. Mints thus does not know the IP address of the interacting wallet.
- Another neat usecase is to run your own mint without the need to have public IP address and domain. You can expose it via Tor service that the wallet can connect to without additional networking setup.
Other changes
- Completely revamped parser of incoming links and QR codes.
- Decreased amount of error logging.
- Temporary usage of local cashu-ts library until proposed changes needed for Tor support are reviewed, finalized and merged.
"Many thanks to @swedishfrenchpress, @Ciugam and @callebtc for help and contributions!"