LND v0.17.0 Beta: Simple Taproot Channels

LND v0.17 features Simple Taproot Channels that enable a lower cost and more private LN, faster Neutrino syncs for mobile development, more efficient Watchtowers, and more.

LND v0.17.0 Beta: Simple Taproot Channels
  • "We're excited to announce the release of LND 0.17.0 beta!"
  • "In this release, we've upgraded LND with Simple Taproot Channels, enabling improved privacy and cost efficiency for Lightning users and developers."
  • "This change also lays the groundwork for future advancements like Taproot Assets on the Lightning Network."
"In upcoming releases, there are several exciting features to anticipate which build further on Taproot Channels. We're focused on the development of Taproot Asset Channels, which will facilitate the transfer of Taproot Assets over the Lightning Network. Beyond that, the integration of Gossip 1.75 will pave the way for public Taproot Channels. Finally, watchtower support for Taproot Channels is also expected to land in a future release."
  • "We’re incredibly grateful for the continued support from external contributors, with a total of 30 developers contributing to this release."


  • "Simple Taproot Channels, allowing users to open unannounced channels with Taproot transactions improving on-chain privacy and cost efficiency."
  • "Reduced block sync time for Neutrino, a Bitcoin light client optimized for mobile Lightning nodes. We’ve observed 400x faster sync time for the block filters. This improvement speeds up the start time of a Neutrino node that is set up from scratch or catching up to the chain tip after being offline for some time."
  • "Improved reliability and resource optimization for Watchtowers with queued updates for reduction in memory usage."

Release notes

  • Full release notes can be found here.

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