Lightning Terminal v0.12.3-alpha Released

Lightning Terminal (LiT) is a browser-based interface for managing channel liquidity.

Lightning Terminal v0.12.3-alpha Released
  • "This release of Lightning Terminal (LiT) includes updates to the versions of the integrated LND, Loop and Taproot Assets daemons. This release also includes updates to the Lightning Node Connect implementation, to make connections more robust and more optimised. Furthermore, an issue when starting up LiT has been fixed with this release."
  • "This release packages LND v0.17.4-beta, Taproot Assets Daemon v0.3.3-alpha, Loop v0.27.0-beta, Pool v0.6.4-beta and Faraday v0.2.11-alpha."
  • "IMPORTANT NOTE: To avoid loss of funds, it's imperative that you read the Operational Safety Guidelines before before using tapd on mainnet!"

What's Changed

Full Changelogv0.12.2-alpha...v0.12.3-alpha

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