Fully Noded - Bitcoin Core v1.0.1: Fixes & Updates
Fully Noded - Bitcoin Core is a separate version of Fully Noded Bitcoin wallet, designed to make using wallets via Bitcoin Core a breeze.

- "FN integrates Tor into the app to make communications to your node private and secure."
- "FN utilizes LibWally to integrate its own Hardware Wallet like functionality."
- "You can use FN as a hot wallet or as a watch-only wallet, private keys are by default not saved to your node, but securely encrypted and saved locally to using your devices Secure Enclave."
- The app developer(s) are also working on an Android version of Fully Noded.

- "The first release of the Kotlin (Android) @FullyNoded will be a utxo based wallet. Lists utxos, forces user to select utxo they want to spend, builds psbt and exports to offline signers, import completed psbt for broadcast. Step 1, get this working."
What's new
- Fixes a bug where transactions were shown out of order.
- Adds the sort transaction button.
- Adds a denomination setting, which allows you to denominate balances, payments and invoices in btc, sats or fiat.
- Shows btc balances as 0.00 000 000 to easily parse the btc/sat amount.
- Updates Tor to v0.
- Fixes a bug where pull to refresh on the home screen did not update the node if just changed.
- Adds spinners to each section of the home screen.
- Updates the UI in the transaction verifier.
- Adds a balance label to the transaction creator view.
- Fixes a bug where capital gains info was not displayed for transactions created in FN.
- Loads the last saved exchange rate from cache.
- Improved alert when deriving an address from a wallet in the transaction creator.