Fountain v0.5.1 - Autoplay Queue, Apple CarPlay, OPML Import & Performance Upgrades

An update featuring some of the most highly-requested features, along with bug fixes which bring improved performance and stability to the app.

Fountain v0.5.1 - Autoplay Queue, Apple CarPlay, OPML Import & Performance Upgrades
  • Autoplay Queue: you can now add episodes to your queue and enjoy continuous playback.
  • Apple CarPlay (Android Auto coming soon)
  • OPML Import: Android users can now import their podcast library from other apps via OPML.
  • Performance Upgrades: Many of you have reported that the app sometimes crashes midway through listening, while others have reported their devices overheating when running the app. Trust us, we’ve shared your frustration with these! While these issues have not been eliminated completely in Fountain 0.5.1, they are significantly improved.