Flockstr: Events & Meetups on Nostr

Flockstr is a Nostr client for creating and managing calendar events and RSVPs.

Flockstr: Events & Meetups on Nostr
  • "Here is a demo for Flockstr! Please check it out and let me know what you think!"
  • "Flockstr serves to enable users to create and manage events completely on Nostr!"
"This is done by utilizing the event types described in NIP-52, mainly kind 31923 for Calendar Events, kind 31924 for Calendars, and kind 31925 for RSVP's. Building this events infrastructure on Nostr will allow community organizers to directly connect with their "Flock" and seamlessly set-up in-person meetups and events."
  • "I built Flockstr using NextJs as the frontend framework. I was able to utilize NDK, nostr-tools, the getAlby SDK, and a few other nostr packages to help in my development process."
  • "Since the space doesn't yet have much built out about Calendar Events, I had to figure out most of the UX patterns on my own. I think that What I've come up with provides an elegant and familiar user flow and should be seamless for users to start adopting!"
  • Try it out at: https://www.flockstr.com/explore

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