Start9 Embassy OS v0.3.4 Released
embassyOS by Start9 is a browser-based, graphical operating system for a personal server where users can easily self-host various projects.

- Important security patches
- Bug fixes
- Move services to Community Marketplace
- SSL support for IP access
- UI display improvements
- Better logs
- New system metrics
- EFI support
What's Changed
- don't be so fragile when comparing marketplace URLs by @MattDHill in #2040
- 📊 include htop by @k0gen in #2042
- fix 0.3.3 OTA update flow for pi by @dr-bonez in #2048
- fix typo for os arch default type by @elvece in #2079
- UI multiple bug fixes by @MattDHill in #2072
- add nyx by @MattDHill in #2064
- delete logs from other machine ids by @dr-bonez in #2086
- double bep instead of circle of 5ths by @dr-bonez in #2085
- pin nextest to 0.9.47 by @dr-bonez in #2099
- only do standby mode for pi by @dr-bonez in #2102
- fix: Manager's exit not stopping by @Blu-J in #2104
- remove tor health daemon by @dr-bonez in #2101
- fix config bug for number 0 and also maybe conenction icon by @MattDHill in #2098
- Feat/logs revamp by @MattDHill in #2075
- Add system rebuild and disk repair to Diagnostic UI by @MattDHill in #2093
- fix docker storage driver by @dr-bonez in #2111
- update packages by @elvece in #2183
- chore: Update version to 0.3.4" by @Blu-J in #2184
- gzip and brotli by @dr-bonez in #2186
- feat: No pemissions for the rsync by @Blu-J in #2187
- support path routing by @dr-bonez in #2188
- feat: Add in the chmod + chown to libs::js_engine by @Blu-J in #2185
- Refactor/networking by @dr-bonez in #2189
- Feature/efi by @dr-bonez in #2192
- Update/misc frontend by @elvece in #2191
- misc 0.3.4 bugfixes by @MattDHill in #2193
- Update CHANGELOG to v0.3.3 by @kn0wmad in #2196
- fix: Br is too slow, removed from encoding by @Blu-J in #2197
- chore: update Taiga UI and remove unnecessary styles by @waterplea in #2200
- fix spacing and font size by @elvece in #2199
- fix raspi kernel upgrades by @dr-bonez in #2202
- x86 build for compat by @dr-bonez in #2203
- use yesterday for not_before on ssl certs by @dr-bonez in #2204
- fix stack overflow on shutdown by @dr-bonez in #2208
- Fix updates badge and rework updates page by @MattDHill in #2205
- let final build-image step create nc-broadcast by @dr-bonez in #2210
- Fix/more UI by @MattDHill in #2213
- wait for time sync before starting tor by @dr-bonez in #2209
- Fix/misc UI by @elvece in #2215
- fix caching by @dr-bonez in #2216
- only when version higher and show after login by @MattDHill in #2217