COLDCARD Mk4 Firmware v5.1.1: MicroSD 2FA, Tapsigner Import, and More

Coldcard is a Bitcoin hardware wallet, it signs transactions to keep the private keys offline.

COLDCARD Mk4 Firmware v5.1.1: MicroSD 2FA, Tapsigner Import, and More

New Features

  • “MicroSD card as Second Factor”. Specially marked MicroSD card must be already inserted when (true) PIN is entered, or else seed is wiped. Add, remove and check cards in menu: Settings -> Login Settings -> MicroSD 2FA
  • Import TAPSIGNER encrypted backup as main or ephemeral seed, for PSBT signing. This is a great way to safely use the key previously held inside a TAPSIGNER, because the COLDCARD can take over the signing that used to be done by the card.
  • Detached Bitcoin signature files for most exports.

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