BTCPay Server v1.9.2: Bug Fixes

BTCPay Server is a free and open source self-hosted Bitcoin payment processor.

BTCPay Server v1.9.2: Bug Fixes

Bug fixes

  • Fix: Shop's new receipt and cart not displaying items correctly and missing additional information (#4890. @Kukks
  • Fix: Email sent to PoS URL via POST not being inserted into email/custom form (#4810). @Kukks
  • Fix: Regression causing payment request form data to not be saved in invoices (#4895) @NicolasDorier @Kukks
  • Fix: After opening payouts page of a pull payment, then clicking on the store's Payouts menu would still show only the same pull payment's payout (#4788) @Kukks
  • Fix: Optimized print view in receipt (#4916 #4902) @dennisreimann
  • Fix: NFC and PoS print view not working without checking "Allow LNUrl for standard invoice". This superfluous option has been removed. (#4911) @NicolasDorier
  • Fix: Automated payouts could hang the restart of the server. @NicolasDorier
  • Fix: Missing validation on payout processor configuration @NicolasDorier

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