Breez Wallet Announces Bounty for Satscard Integration: 5M Sats (~$850)
Breez is a Lightning Network mobile client and a hub. It provides a platform for simple, instantaneous bitcoin payments. Breez is currently in a public beta, available on Android and on iOS. Satscard is an NFC based bitcoin wallet in a card form factor.

SATSCARD Integration
- The main two interactions are initializing the card and unsealing the card slots for sweeping WIFs. Here is an implementation of the NFC protocol to talk to the cards in Python. Nunchuk re-wrote it in C++ here and this is a React Native implementation.
- From a product standpoint, when tapping the card on the device, Breez should show a dialog displaying the card balance and offer a sweep action to a Breez address.
- For anyone interested in the work and testing, the Coinkite team are happy to send test cards.
Payout: 5M sats (donated by the Coinkite team) for a complete iOS and Android implementations.