Blockstream Green Desktop v2.0.5: Add Singlesig Watch-only Wallets & More

Blockstream Green is a multi-platform, feature-rich Bitcoin, Liquid and Lightning wallet.

Blockstream Green Desktop v2.0.5: Add Singlesig Watch-only Wallets & More
  • "The Blockstream Green app version 2.0.5 has just dropped," announced the project.
  • This update adds the ability to add or import singlesig watch-only wallets, new watch-only section in settings, option to expose xpubs and output descriptors of singlesig accounts, handling of BIP21 payments on Linux, and more.

What's new


  • Add or import singlesig watch-only wallet
  • New watch-only section in wallet settings dialog
  • Expose extended public keys and output descriptors of singlesig accounts
  • Handle external BIP21 payment on Linux
  • Option to scramble login keypad


  • Reinstate 2FA expire settings

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