Bitcoin Volunteer Opportunity Board for FOSS Projects Launched
Bitcoin Volunteer Opportunity Board for FOSS projects is an initiative by the Bitcoin Product Community. It aims to connect FOSS Bitcoin projects and volunteers.

- "We're excited to announce our latest initiative: The Bitcoin Volunteer Opportunity Board for FOSS projects. The project board allows FOSS Bitcoin projects post open positions they need to round out their team."
- "Examples of positions FOSS projects can post for include but aren't limited to: Product Managers, Marketers, Technical writers for documentation, Community builders, and more!"
- "Over the past 3 months, we've connected 7 contributors to 6 projects including a PM for Hello Bitcoin, PM for BitcoinSmiles, PM for SeedSigner, Project Coordinator for Bitcoin Optech, PM for Bitcoin Dev Kit, and PM for Bitcoin Accessibility.
- "If you are a bitcoin FOSS project that needs help, submit an issue and provide as much information as you can:"
- "If you are looking to get involved with Bitcoin FOSS projects, check out our board, comment on an issue, and follow the instructions under “How to get connected.”"