Bitcoin Optech #277: Ephemeral Anchors Proposal Update, Miniscript Field Report

"This week’s newsletter describes an update to the proposal for ephemeral anchors and provides a contributed field report about miniscript from a developer working at Wizardsardine."

Bitcoin Optech #277: Ephemeral Anchors Proposal Update, Miniscript Field Report

Bitcoin Optech newsletter #277 is here. This issue:

  • Describes an update to the proposal for ephemeral anchors;
  • Includes a contributed field report that outlines miniscript's ecosystem adoption.
  • Provides Bitcoin Core 26.0rc2 testing materials;
  • "Bitcoin Optech will host an audio recap discussion of this newsletter with special guests Dave Harding, Gregory Sanders, Antoine Poinsot, and Max Edwards on Twitter Spaces Thursday at 15:00 UTC. Join us to discuss or ask questions!"

Full Newsletter