Bitcoin Optech #274: Replacement Cycling Vulnerability Against HTLCs

This issue describes the replacement cycling attack against HTLCs used in LN and other systems and examines its mitigations. Also described are a notable bug affecting a Bitcoin Core RPC, research into covenants with minimal changes to Bitcoin Script, and a proposed BIP for an OP_CAT opcode.

Bitcoin Optech #274: Replacement Cycling Vulnerability Against HTLCs

This issue:

  • Describes the replacement cycling attack against HTLCs used in LN  and other systems, examines the mitigations deployed, and summarizes proposals for additional mitigations.
  • Notes a bug affecting a Bitcoin Core RPC.
  • Describes research into covenants with minimal changes to Bitcoin Script.
  • Announces a proposed BIP for an OP_CAT opcode.
  • Summarizes popular Q&A from Stack Exchange.
  • Bitcoin Core 26.0rc1 is a release candidate for the next major version of the predominant full node implementation...
  • "Bitcoin Optech will host an audio recap discussion of this newsletter with special guests Fabian Jahr and Ethan Heilman on Twitter Spaces Thursday at 15:00 UTC. Join us to discuss or ask questions!"

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