Alby Wallet Webhooks for Developers & ZapSplitter

"Alby Webhooks allow services to be instantly notified of user's incoming and outgoing payments and act upon them."

Alby Wallet Webhooks for Developers & ZapSplitter
  • "Today we are happy to announce the addition of Webhooks to our Alby Wallet API."
  • "Without Webhooks, a service has to continuously poll an account for new invoices and keep track of unprocessed ones, which is both inefficient and unnecessarily complex."
  • "Alby Webhooks are powered by SVIX which provides reliable and secure Webhooks as service, so there's no need to worry about unreliable webhooks and having to create fallback solutions."
  • "We have created an awesome demo to give you inspiration: ZapSplitter."
  • "ZapSplitter is a simple showcase based on Dergigi's idea of Lightning Prisms, which allows you to configure lightning splits for your Alby account."
  • "Whenever you receive a payment, you can forward a percentage of it to support your favorite bitcoin, lightning or Nostr developers and content creators. These payments can be forwarded by multiple users, making a cascading effect of payments. ZapSplitter plugs directly into your Alby account, so it's easy to set up and can be disabled at any time."
  • "We've updated the Alby Wallet API Documentation and added new functions to create and delete webhooks to the Alby JS SDK."

Blog Post / Archive
GitHub Repo (Alby JS SDK)
GitHub Repo (ZapSplitter)