Agora Social: New Smart Search
Agora is a Nostr client that lets its users follow posts from different social networks.

What's new
- New Smart Search. "It detects if you search for a Bluesky (, Twitter, or Mastodon ( handle and automatically creates a bridged Nostr profile and redirects you to it. Now you can follow people from 4 social networks all in one!"
- "It checks for an existing bridged account, and if there isn’t one it generates it."
- Discover tab. "It’s a work in progress and currently shows an assortment of suggested profiles that I’m manually compiling (for now), but will integrate suggested follows soon!"
- "Now in addition to your Topics Feed (aka Nostr version of reddit), I’ve added the Friends Feed for when you want to just see posts from your follows like other clients."
- "New look for mobile with a bottom tab bar for easier navigation."
- "Awesome new icon thanks to Midjourney’s AI icon generating wizardry."