Alby Extension v3.4.1: UI Improvements
Alby is a Bitcoin, Lightning and Nostr browser extension that connects to different wallet interfaces and personal nodes. It let's users manage their payments and authentication flows on the web.

- "In the v3.4.0 release of the Lightning Browser Extension, several noteworthy features and improvements have been introduced."
This includes:
- Overhauled transaction lists & detail views;
- Added German translations;
- Various bugfixes & UI improvements.
What's changed
- feat: add on and off calls in webbtc and liquid provider by @pavanjoshi914 in #2811
- fix: receive another payment button styles by @lujakob in #2820
- feat: use new info circle icon from bitcoin design icons by @pavanjoshi914 in #2825
- fix: remove dynamic classes from badges by @reneaaron and @pavanjoshi914 in #2814
- fix: update keyboard shortcut to mv3 by @reneaaron and @pavanjoshi914 in #2546
- chore: update react-router-dom by @pavanjoshi914 in #2834
- feat: use token events to subscribe to the token changes by @pavanjoshi914 in #2830
- feat: addd user_agent in default request options by @pavanjoshi914 in #2843
- feat: add de to supported locales by @reneaaron in #2854
- feat: transaction list revamp by @reneaaron and @pavanjoshi914 in #2744
- fix: caching getInfo calls by @reneaaron in #2864
- Fix the small padding issue by @Rithvik-padma in #2836
- fix: add description to transaction modal, layout fixes by @reneaaron in #2867
- feat: add preimage to transactions by @reneaaron in #2868
- feat: write setup guide for firefox for android by @pavanjoshi914 in #2870
- feat: direct link to bitcoin address by @reneaaron in #2879
- fix: add y overflow to the modal by @reneaaron in #2880
- fix: remove bluewallet connection screen by @reneaaron in #2875
- feat: swap fallbacks by @reneaaron in #2877
Full Changelog: v3.3.0...v3.4.0