ZBD x PlebLab TabConf Hackathon Projects & Panels Released
The eventful TABConf Hackathon 2023, hosted by PlebLab and ZBD, witnessed developers worldwide battling it for prizes totaling over $10,000.

- PlebLab Panel with Super Testnet, Topher Scott, Austin Kelsay, and Francisco Chavarria
- Why Not to Use Stacker News by Keyan Kousha
- What I Learned Building a Misfit Hackerspace by Car González
- Lightning Builders with Andre of ZBD, Michael of ZBD, Jesse of Amboss, Michael of WavLake and Keyan of Stacker.News
Winner: UTXO Dealership
- "UTXO dealership is a forthcoming privacy tool for bitcoin. It enables bitcoin miners to easily sell their freshly mined utxos for a premium, and it enables bitcoiners to acquire decent privacy simply by visiting a website and buying a history-free utxo."
GitHub Repo (frontend)
GitHub Repo (backend)
MutiMint: 1st in the Lightning Category
- MutiMint is a Mutiny Wallet with Fedimint support.

Satogram: 2nd in the "Lightning Category" and the 2nd "Peoples Favorite Category"
- "Satograms are lightning keysend payments that include a custom message. Think of it like spam email, but you get paid for it."
- "When you receive a Satogram you have been paid by the sender! Reach out to thousands of people with your own custom message of up to ~1000 characters in only a few minutes."
Data Buffet: "LNURL Category" winner
- Data Buffet is a Nostr NIP for streamlined, scalable and high volume machine to machine payments for services.
LNPlay.live: "People's Favorite Category" winner
- LNPlay is a docker stack application that deploys private lightning network. Built with Bitcoin Core, Core Lightning, and Clams Wallet.
Peer Stables
- Peer Stables - peer-to-peer stable USD representations on Lightning channels.