Zapworthy: Nostr Highlights
Zapworthy is a feed of a new kind of Nostr event - highlights.

- "I started working on Zapworthy basically immediately after reading @dergigi's excellent Purple Text. Orange Highlights, and was fascinated by the idea of using Nostr to create a new method to improve the current tooling around reading and discovering new valuable content."

- "The quote itself, the highlight, it's a nostr event itself."
- "That means you can interact with it, just like with any other nostr event; you can reference it. You can repost it. You can like it."
- "When you zap a highlight, the whole chain of events, nostr and life events, are rewarded for bringing the valuable words you are zapping, to you."
- "Author, publisher, curator, broadcaster. Everyone that contributed to you reading these words, receives a share of the splits."
There are a few different ways of interacting with Zapworthy.
- Web. "You can use the web interface to load an article and highlight directly from the web."
- Browser Extension. "You can install a browser extension to highlight and categorize the zapworthy content you randomly find."
- @zapworthy bot. "You can tag the @zapworthy bot with a URL you would like to be converted into a NIP-23 long-form post; so that you can use the embedded highlighter in this site. The bot will reply with a URL for you to use."