Zaprite: Improved Privacy and Payment Experience

Zaprite is a non-custodial no KYC web app that for Bitcoin invoicing, project management and expense tracking.

Zaprite: Improved Privacy and Payment Experience
  • Database. "We have migrated away from Google Firebase and are now using our own internal PostgreSQL storage. This is a huge upgrade, not only in terms of user privacy, but it allows us to build a more robust data model for future accounting features."
  • Checkouts. "We have completely rebuilt how your customers pay you. While you still have the same familiar hosted Invoice page, all payments are now routed through a new Checkout experience."
  • Organizations/Teams. Zaprite accounts now come with default Organiztion. "You are the Owner/Admin of your Organization and we will be adding a new Teams feature soon which will allow you to invite other members with assigned roles."
  • Invoices. Redesigned the Invoice generation and preview experience to offer some additional improvements, such as Discounts + Tax amounts per line item and reordering of line items, and more.
  • Invoice Payments. "You can choose individual payment methods per invoice, or use your Organization's default Checkout. We've even added a checkbox to save your choices for specific Customers."
  • Invoice Spending. "Part of the Invoice upgrade is an improved sending flow. You can now send your Invoice to multiple recipients, attach a PDF to the email, and cc yourself. You also get handy sharing links which you can share outside of Zaprite."
  • PDFs. "We have updated our Transaction data model, allowing us to record more accurate and helpful information."

Upcoming updates from Zaprite are expected to include: xPub integration, products and stores, events and tickets, donations support, and more.

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