Unleashed.Chat v0.1.7: API Release & Nostr Mode Improvements
Unleashed.chat provides access to uncensored FOSS AI models for sats. It is designed with privacy in mind and supports live Nostr data querying.

- Unleashed.Chat v0.1.5 - API release is now available.
- Early API access is currently invite only.
What's new
- First phase of API rollout
- Implemented /models and /chat/completions endpoints
- Trying to keep it compatible with OpenAI API schema (should work with their libraries etc.)
- SDK: https://github.com/UnleashedChat/unleashed-sdk
Furthermore, v0.1.7 also includes the following Nostr mode improvements and fixes:
- Implemented relevance score threshold when searching for a topic, i.e. you should see less irrelevant results when you ask about some topic or keywords.
- Chat bot now has some knowedge about note authors and dates (TBD how reliable this is).
- Allow specifying USD amount on LN invoice – for wallets that don't support 0-amount invoices.
- Fix typo on home page.

Announcement / Archive
Announcement 2 / Archive
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