Stack Duo v1.0.6: Redone Themes, Custom Block Explorers
Stack Duo is an open source, privacy-focused Bitcoin and Monero wallet with PayNyms support.

- "New Stack Duo release for all currently supported platforms. Version 1.0.6, build 10."
What's new
- "Themes have been redone. Now only light/dark ship with the app. If you're on another theme and you update you'll be switched to light. Worry not though, go to Settings > Appearance > Add Themes to download only the themes you want from our theme server (saves space)."
- "And yes, our theme server is FOSS too (and you can even make and submit a theme to it):"
- "Added custom block explorers (Settings > Advanced > Custom block explorers)."
- "Move address book to isar (was still in hive)."
- "Randomize PIN pad option added in security settings."
- "Semantic wording for accessibility."