Stratum V2 Reference Implementation (SRI) v1.0.0 Released
Stratum V2 is a next-generation bitcoin mining protocol designed to enhance the efficiency, security, flexibility and decentralization. SRI is fully open-source, community-developed, independent of any single entity, aiming to be fully compatible with Stratum V2 Specification.

- "We are thrilled to announce the launch of SRI 1.0.0 ! This marks an important milestone in our mission to decentralize and enhance bitcoin mining and stands ready for immediate testing and integration," was announced in a blog post.
"The release allows miners running SV1 or SV2 firmware to connect to an SV2 Pool (directly or through a translation proxy), optionally using a locally hosted Job Declaration Client and a patched version of a Bitcoin Core Node to construct their own block templates which are then sent to the Job Declarator Server run by the SV2 Pool."
- "It’s important to mention that our code refactoring introduced the ability for the node and JDC to be run by an independent third-party, not just the miners."
- "The newly implemented pool fallback functionality ensures that if a pool rejects a miner's template, the miner's Job Declarator Client automatically switches to an alternative pool. Miners can configure several fallback options and if all listed pools decide to censor, miners will end up solo mining."
"This serves as a powerful incentive for pools to act in the best interest of miners, as rejecting templates without a valid reason could lead to a significant loss of hash power to competitors. If all miners run standardized software, the entire hash rate of the pool could end up with a competing pool."
- "SRI’s pool is simple and opinionated and currently can receive a template from the Template Provider, and create jobs for the downstream with the adequate difficulty. Anyone can easily deploy this simple pool today or use our libraries to integrate into their existing operations."
- "Going forward, we plan to continue refactoring our code to allow for more diverse use-cases. Anyone interested in integrating SV2 into an existing pool, or starting a brand-new pool, let us know. "
- "Template Provider enables the selection of transactions from the locally-run bitcoin node. Miners (soon, also independent third parties) can create custom block templates and declare custom mining jobs to the pool. Currently, to use the Template Provider you need to use our patched version of Bitcoin Core."
- "After months of testing, including over 600 blocks mined on testnet, we are confident to invite you to experience SRI 1.0.0 firsthand. Start your SV2 journey with our getting started guide."
- Connect to a SV2 pool without upgrading existing SV1 firmware through Translation Proxy or
- Connect to an SV2 pool directly with an SV2 firmware device (BraiinsOS)
- Run you own bitcoin node, construct templates, and declare them to the SV2 Pool
- Utilize pool fallback functionality in case the pool decides to censor
- Deploy and operate a very simple SV2 Pool
- Integrate SV2 into an existing pool through our libraries
"Individuals can support the development and maintenance of the SRI by donating through OpenSats. Corporate entities interested in providing grants to SRI contributors, please get in touch with us directly via DM's on X. We’re inviting developers interested in contributing to SRI to look into our codebase, study the specs and join our regular weekly developer meetings on Discord."