Sparrow Wallet v1.8.2: Improved Transaction Tree Labels & More
Sparrow is a free and open source desktop Bitcoin wallet focused on security and privacy. It supports most hardware wallets and is built on common standards such as PSBT, with an emphasis on transparency and usability.

Sparrow v1.8.2 released with:
- Improved transaction tree labels. "This release improves the transaction tab, with more descriptive labels and icons in the transaction tree on the left and more useful titles for the input and output detail panels."
- Quicker transaction tab loading. "Transaction tab loading is more performant too."
- Reduced rescans on Bitcoin Core. "The frequency of rescanning when connected to Bitcoin Core has been eliminated or reduced. Coinbase transactions are now supported with this configuration too."
- "A simple but useful improvement is switching between sats and BTC by clicking on any label showing a bitcoin value."
A simple but useful improvement is switching between sats and BTC by clicking on any label showing a bitcoin value.
— Sparrow Wallet 🐦 (@SparrowWallet) January 18, 2024
- Effective fee rate shown for CPFP taxes. "The effective fee rate is now shown directly below the fee range slider when constructing a CPFP transaction. Previously, it was shown only in the tooltip."
- "Other improvements include creating wallets from descriptors containing master xprvs, encrypted Electrum wallet exports, and display of the master fingerprint when entering a passphrase in Sparrow Terminal."
What's new
- Improve input and output labels in the transaction tree and their respective detail panel headers
- Reduce server calls on opening a transaction tab by using open wallet history when performing spent output lookups
- Support loading coinbase transactions when connected to Bitcoin Core via Cormorant
- Support creating wallets from descriptors containing master
s - Display effective fee rate next to transaction fee rate when constructing a CPFP transaction (in addition to existing tooltip)
- Support reading QRs containing revised BC-UR tags in the
range, including v3 output descriptors - Encrypt Electrum wallet exports including private keys where a wallet password is available
- Toggle the bitcoin unit on any label with a bitcoin value by clicking on it (@krzyczak)
- Add the calculated master fingerprint to the passphrase entry dialog in Sparrow Terminal
- Increase the payments tab header width on the Send tab
- In Cormorant, round up the calculated wallet range to avoid frequent rescans with a large gap limit
- Bug fix: Only allow sweeping from uncompressed keys to legacy script type addresses
- Bug fix: Fix error repsonse from Satochip card when retrieving extended key (@Toporin)
- Bug fix: In Terminal, avoid showing the balance in fiat when exchange source is set to None
- Bug fix: Fix changing the bitcoin unit on the Send tab's Amount field with comma decimal separators configured
- Bug fix: Fix the order of outputs in the transaction diagram where there are multiple payments with the same address and amount
- Bug fix: In Cormorant, fix the descriptor range calculation and extend the range from the pruned date only where necessary