Sparrow Wallet v1.7.5: Border Wallets Number Grid Support
Sparrow is a free and open source desktop wallet focused on security and privacy.

Since the publishing of this post, Sparrow Wallet v1.7.6 bugfix was published:
- Bug fix: Fixes an issue creating a seed after loading or regenerating a Border Wallets entropy grid with a cell selection already present
- Show a warning if a Border Wallets entropy grid PDF is not saved
Important for Border Wallets users:
- "This is bug fix release which ensures the order of cell selection is preserved when choosing words from a Border Wallets grid."
- "To recreate Border Wallets seeds created with v1.7.4 using grid selection, select the cells using a left to right, top to bottom approach."
- "For all Border Wallets seeds created using v1.7.5 onwards, the order of cell selection in the grid is important as it determines the order of the words in your seed."
What's new
- Add Border Wallets number grid support
- Always show Tapsigner in airgapped import options
- Improve error message when Bitcoin Core wallet support is disabled
- Update Specter Desktop wallet import
- Bug fix: Preserve the order of cell selection in a Border Wallets grid
- Bug fix: Support broadcasting via when using signet