Samourai Wallet Launches For More Accurate Transaction Fee Estimation

The Next Block estimator assesses all the unconfirmed transactions in the mempool, then computes at what miner fee rate a transaction needs to be broadcasted right now for it to be confirmed into the next block.

Samourai Wallet Launches For More Accurate Transaction Fee Estimation
  • "We're pleased to launch to help select the right fee when building your bitcoin transactions."
"By assessing the unconfirmed transactions within the mempool, this tool provides instead an instant snapshot probability for being confirmed in the next block. Attempting to calculate beyond this (i.e. for your transaction to be confirmed 6 blocks from now) introduces too many variables which would make any calculation mathematically unsound."
  • "While we wanted to make this tool to be publicly available by everyone, Samourai users are going to have even easier access because NextBlock estimations are already available in Samourai Dojo (v23 and beyond) and these fee estimations will be built into Samourai Wallet in the upcoming release," was stated in a blog post.
  • If you want a detailed explanation of how this works, check out 'the original Readme.'

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