RoninDojo v2.0.2: Hotfix
RoninDojo is an Installation Assistant and Administration Tool for Samourai Wallet's Dojo, Whirlpool, Indexer, and more.

- "Starting around Sept 1st, we began seeing a few reports that Ronin install resulted in indefinite "spinning" during installation via the UI."
- "We had seen this on rare occasions due to internet issues, however, when we realized this was a trend related to a docker dependency in the Dojo software version we were using (v1.18.1) we immediately acted and created a hotfix."
"We began working on and testing the hotfix immediately upon identification, and thanks to some of the community members in our telegram chat, we were able to successfully push out this release quickly. Which we are extremely grateful for the help!"
- "To utilize this from a fresh install, no change is needed from the RoninOS - download and install as usual. Existing users are safe to upgrade the RoninDojo software from their Command Line Interface."
What's new
- Bug fix: fixed dependency in explorer container throwing an error during build;
- Feature: Updated Ronin's Dojo fork to v2.0.2:
- Based off upstream Dojo v1.20.0;
- Features: Updated Bitcoin Core v25.0.0;
- Features: Added option to use Auth47 for DMT auth;
- Features: Updated Whirlpool CLI v0.10.16;
- Features: Updated Explorer 3.3.0+SW, now uses node 18. - Credits: PavelTheCoder, dammkewl, BTCxZelko, Numbers, s2l1