RoboSats v0.4.2: Coordinator Bug Fix
RoboSats is a simple and private way to exchange bitcoin for national currencies.

This release has only some minor UI improvements and a big coordinator bug fix:
- Fixes onchain payout race-condition. LN payouts are also more reliable.
- New UI elements when a order with onchain payout finished. Now users are shown temporarily (up to 60 seconds) a spinner "sending coins..." with a link to mempool space for their address. Then, it shows the TXID.
- Fix small UI bug where current rate price would not show on maker form until the currency is changed.
- Adds lower bound mining fee limit for onchain payouts (user transactions with very low mining fee could get stuck in mempool oblivion)
- Adds support for Serbian Dinar RSD @lukabb
- Adds new payment methods for Russia @dirtyroom969 and Liquid-USDT @minaraus